Monday, June 20, 2005

You know you're shag when:

1) You helped a friend pack and move back home within very short notice.
Something bad happen
.. Imagine... I'm having dinner with Joel and friends. My phone rang. Me picked up with a cheery voice... But, the other side was screaming her lungs out. My heart droppped.. I was confused as i don't know how to respond. I stoned for a while..

Worried, i went off immediately afer finishing my food, to help a friend who's in need.. Not knowing what to expect, i was tense throughout the journey there.

Things were bad. Alot of stuffs lying here and there. Load and loads of clothes were thrown away. There were bags and bags of stuffs to be moved...

The 'swat team' came and cleared the room emptied in less than 3 mins! What left behind was a year of happy and sad memories..

The 'defendant' was disappointed, angry but still, she held on to a brave front. After everyone left for home, she's all alone. Memories kept flashing back, happy, sad and upsetting..

Tear became tears..

Cry all you want NOW and NEVER to shed another tear for this man who broke your heart..
Cry all you want NOW and NEVER to shed another tear for this man who broke your trust..
Cry all you want NOW and NEVER to shed another tear for this man who is insensible towards your feelings and thoughts..
Cry all you want NOW and NEVER to shed another tear for this man because you know that you're loved by others who will want to appreciate you.

2) You took care of a coughing-and-puking phlegm puppy throughout the whole night.
It has been a tiring night and your puppy is down with a bad cough.. Every 15-30mins, she will be coughing and she will puke her phlegm out. Throughout the 6 hours of my most precious moments of the day, me was there to clean her phlegm and ensuring she doesn't swallow eat it back everytime she cough in her sleep..

9am.. Me and Joel was shag with all her coughing and phlegm puking..

3) You're 'Clearing shit' for an irresponsible staff who went MIA since Saturday.
After a very tiring night, me and Joel were hit by more impacts in the office!

Like the movie, Armageddon, we will be facing alot of meteors crushing onto 'Earth'. Before we're being hit, we've sent a team to rectify the situation. Destruction was quickly reduced to its minimal.. 'Earth' saved from further destruction!!

And all happened within 24 hours!


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