Bandit, the male..
Serene Lim: "Mi.. I bought a new huskey... hehehe.. A male puppy!"
Me: "Huh?! Again..."
Me and Joel went to her place to see this new puppy of hers. And he's a darling..... PANDA!!

Serene carrying her new darling Bandit (From Lucife to Bandit).. He's a big bone male huskey..

Joel carrying Bandit.. He's a black-and-white huskey like Roche. His forehead features may not be as nice as Roche's but he has a very cute face because he looks like PANDA!!

Bandit in his cage which used to contain Roche when she's was first brought home.. He's a sturdy young boy!

Shadow played with him but because Shadow's a bigger dog than Bandit, she was quite agressive with him. In the end, Shadow kena alot of beatings from Serene.
With this new addition to the LIM family, i'm actually quite worried for Serene and her 3 monkeys! The fact that:
1) She doesn't have space for them to run around.
2) She doesn't bring them for their daily walks (maybe that's why Roche is still small size even though she's a big bone huskey).
3) They live, shit, urine and sleep with her in her room.
But as long as they're happy and healthy, who cares! Besides, she has been bringing them to Sentosa weekly for a swim.
This Saturday, Serene will bring the 3 Huskies to Sentosa for their usual swimming session. Me and Joel will also be bringing the 3 rascals there for a swim too.. This time round, Jane, Jiron, Mavis and Serene Foo might be going too! It will be fun! ^-^
Snapshot of Nikkie

Nikkie: "Hey!! That's mine.. Why did you take it away from me....?! Please give it back!"
Me: "Huh?! Again..."
Me and Joel went to her place to see this new puppy of hers. And he's a darling..... PANDA!!

Serene carrying her new darling Bandit (From Lucife to Bandit).. He's a big bone male huskey..

Joel carrying Bandit.. He's a black-and-white huskey like Roche. His forehead features may not be as nice as Roche's but he has a very cute face because he looks like PANDA!!

Bandit in his cage which used to contain Roche when she's was first brought home.. He's a sturdy young boy!

Shadow played with him but because Shadow's a bigger dog than Bandit, she was quite agressive with him. In the end, Shadow kena alot of beatings from Serene.
With this new addition to the LIM family, i'm actually quite worried for Serene and her 3 monkeys! The fact that:
1) She doesn't have space for them to run around.
2) She doesn't bring them for their daily walks (maybe that's why Roche is still small size even though she's a big bone huskey).
3) They live, shit, urine and sleep with her in her room.
But as long as they're happy and healthy, who cares! Besides, she has been bringing them to Sentosa weekly for a swim.
This Saturday, Serene will bring the 3 Huskies to Sentosa for their usual swimming session. Me and Joel will also be bringing the 3 rascals there for a swim too.. This time round, Jane, Jiron, Mavis and Serene Foo might be going too! It will be fun! ^-^
Snapshot of Nikkie

Nikkie: "Hey!! That's mine.. Why did you take it away from me....?! Please give it back!"
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