It has been a hectic weekend..
On Thursday (28/07), Serene went KL for business trip with her lady boss leaving her 2 'monkeys' at a boarding house in Yishun on Wednesday (27/07) evening. Me and Joel couldn't help but worry for the 'monkeys'.. But overall on Thursday, it was quite peaceful. -.-
On Friday (29/07), Jane and Jiron went to Hongkong with Jane's parents.. Suppose to join them in Hongkong but after much consideration, i changed my mind.. No point going there now for Summer Sale when Disneyland's not open yet. Been to Hongkong too many times and even if i want to visit Hongkong again, it will be solely for Disneyland.. So posponed the visit to Jan/Feb 2006. See how it goes first.. Besides, i'm going to Phuket and Bangkok in September.. Don't know have enough $$$ to spend in Hongkong anot..
The major event for the next 3 days (Fri, Sat & Sun) will be Joel and family moving in their new home along Upper East Coast. Gavin, Auntie and Elisa collected the keys and were at the new place cleaning up. Me and Joel? Jaga office lor..
Their new place is within walking distance to the Bedok Corner Hawker Centre opposite Bedok Camp. The terrace house's drive-way houses their 2 cars and 1 van with more room for 1-2 cars, dry and wet kitchen, a fence-up small garden, Living Room big enough for a Pool table and sofa set, and a Dining Area big enough for a round table for 8. Auntie has the smallest room but the nicest toilet, Gavin has the biggest room with hotel-like toilet, Elisa has the 2nd biggest room, Joel? 2nd smallest room but big enough for a queen bed and a small chillout area. :)

This is a glimpse of Joel's room... Not ready yet. After the divider is the small chillout area.. Furbie is chilling in the room.
(Will update more pictures of their new place soon..)
On our way down to Upper East Coast, Serene sms me. She will be back on Friday (29/07) instead.. But she will only be able to pick the 'monkeys' up on Saturday (30/07) morning. So we offered to pick the dogs up..
When we arrived at the boarding house, they were closing. So we asked for the 2 'monkeys' and boy were Shadow and Roche excited! They jumped and pounced on us upon coming out to meet us! It's not a joking matter to let a big dog pounced on you especially dogs that are big..
Excited to see the dogs, me and Joel sayang them and tried our best to 'check' on their condition. It's not easy.. *haiz* Imagine.. They jumping and running around and you gotta spot whether is there any injury on them is like, finding a needle in the ocean.. In the van, i spotted something unusual on Roche.. OH MY GOODNESS!! She had a wound on her forehead.. Without hesitation, me called Serene.. And we brought her back to the boarding house.
Me: "Derrick, how did this happen to Roche?" (Show the wound to him in his face..)
Derrick: "Where? (Checking on the wound..) It could be skin allergy or they try to escape and injure themself.."
Me: "Huh?!! Nevermind, Serene's on the line, can you talk to her..?"
I don't know what's their conversation like but i'm very sure Serene's not pleased about it..
We brought them to Joel's new place and they enjoyed the space there! They ran here and there, exploring the space out.. Too bad the 3 rascals weren't there, if not we can check on how their reaction to each other will be..

Joel, Roche and Shadow.. Surprisingly, his family like Shadow more because she's more responsive and she 'sings' along very well too!

Joel loves to play with the 2 of them..
Serene was shocked to see the wound on Roche's forehead! And there were also some rashes on Shadow's belly.. Basically Serene will not send the 2 'monkeys' there anymore for boarding services. She's very disappointed.. VERY DISAPPOINTED!
Poor Roche and Shadow.. Can you imagine what will happen if they stay one more night there?!
On Saturday (30/07), me and Joel went back to help due it's shifting day.. We filled the van with 20-30 garbage bags full of clothes..! So full that we cant see the rear view mirror! :p
Everyone was busy! So busy that we totally forget about dinner. Another night of no clubbing for me.. *haiz*
On Sunday (31/07), it's another packing day.. We went lunch and met up with Elisa at IKEA to top up whatever is required. And i met Anne there! Yes, the very pregnant Anne due in January 2006.. She cut her hair short and her tummy look big...! :p She didn't put on much weight. But it feels good seeing her happy and radiant! You go girl..! God bless you and your child!
There are still alot of things not pack yet, like the Living Room, Dining Area and Lan-Gaming Area. But all the rooms are up and have a concept of its own..
It has been a long and tiring week for all of them.. It's nice to stay together under one roof as a family and of course there will be debates, disagreement and quarrels but most importantly, they all have the same blood that bind them together making them an invincible team!!
They're: Greatly Blessed! Highly Favoured! Deeply Loved! by God!AMEN!
On Thursday (28/07), Serene went KL for business trip with her lady boss leaving her 2 'monkeys' at a boarding house in Yishun on Wednesday (27/07) evening. Me and Joel couldn't help but worry for the 'monkeys'.. But overall on Thursday, it was quite peaceful. -.-
On Friday (29/07), Jane and Jiron went to Hongkong with Jane's parents.. Suppose to join them in Hongkong but after much consideration, i changed my mind.. No point going there now for Summer Sale when Disneyland's not open yet. Been to Hongkong too many times and even if i want to visit Hongkong again, it will be solely for Disneyland.. So posponed the visit to Jan/Feb 2006. See how it goes first.. Besides, i'm going to Phuket and Bangkok in September.. Don't know have enough $$$ to spend in Hongkong anot..
The major event for the next 3 days (Fri, Sat & Sun) will be Joel and family moving in their new home along Upper East Coast. Gavin, Auntie and Elisa collected the keys and were at the new place cleaning up. Me and Joel? Jaga office lor..
Their new place is within walking distance to the Bedok Corner Hawker Centre opposite Bedok Camp. The terrace house's drive-way houses their 2 cars and 1 van with more room for 1-2 cars, dry and wet kitchen, a fence-up small garden, Living Room big enough for a Pool table and sofa set, and a Dining Area big enough for a round table for 8. Auntie has the smallest room but the nicest toilet, Gavin has the biggest room with hotel-like toilet, Elisa has the 2nd biggest room, Joel? 2nd smallest room but big enough for a queen bed and a small chillout area. :)

This is a glimpse of Joel's room... Not ready yet. After the divider is the small chillout area.. Furbie is chilling in the room.
(Will update more pictures of their new place soon..)
On our way down to Upper East Coast, Serene sms me. She will be back on Friday (29/07) instead.. But she will only be able to pick the 'monkeys' up on Saturday (30/07) morning. So we offered to pick the dogs up..
When we arrived at the boarding house, they were closing. So we asked for the 2 'monkeys' and boy were Shadow and Roche excited! They jumped and pounced on us upon coming out to meet us! It's not a joking matter to let a big dog pounced on you especially dogs that are big..
Excited to see the dogs, me and Joel sayang them and tried our best to 'check' on their condition. It's not easy.. *haiz* Imagine.. They jumping and running around and you gotta spot whether is there any injury on them is like, finding a needle in the ocean.. In the van, i spotted something unusual on Roche.. OH MY GOODNESS!! She had a wound on her forehead.. Without hesitation, me called Serene.. And we brought her back to the boarding house.
Me: "Derrick, how did this happen to Roche?" (Show the wound to him in his face..)
Derrick: "Where? (Checking on the wound..) It could be skin allergy or they try to escape and injure themself.."
Me: "Huh?!! Nevermind, Serene's on the line, can you talk to her..?"
I don't know what's their conversation like but i'm very sure Serene's not pleased about it..
We brought them to Joel's new place and they enjoyed the space there! They ran here and there, exploring the space out.. Too bad the 3 rascals weren't there, if not we can check on how their reaction to each other will be..

Joel, Roche and Shadow.. Surprisingly, his family like Shadow more because she's more responsive and she 'sings' along very well too!

Joel loves to play with the 2 of them..
Serene was shocked to see the wound on Roche's forehead! And there were also some rashes on Shadow's belly.. Basically Serene will not send the 2 'monkeys' there anymore for boarding services. She's very disappointed.. VERY DISAPPOINTED!
Poor Roche and Shadow.. Can you imagine what will happen if they stay one more night there?!
On Saturday (30/07), me and Joel went back to help due it's shifting day.. We filled the van with 20-30 garbage bags full of clothes..! So full that we cant see the rear view mirror! :p
Everyone was busy! So busy that we totally forget about dinner. Another night of no clubbing for me.. *haiz*
On Sunday (31/07), it's another packing day.. We went lunch and met up with Elisa at IKEA to top up whatever is required. And i met Anne there! Yes, the very pregnant Anne due in January 2006.. She cut her hair short and her tummy look big...! :p She didn't put on much weight. But it feels good seeing her happy and radiant! You go girl..! God bless you and your child!
There are still alot of things not pack yet, like the Living Room, Dining Area and Lan-Gaming Area. But all the rooms are up and have a concept of its own..
It has been a long and tiring week for all of them.. It's nice to stay together under one roof as a family and of course there will be debates, disagreement and quarrels but most importantly, they all have the same blood that bind them together making them an invincible team!!
They're: Greatly Blessed! Highly Favoured! Deeply Loved! by God!AMEN!
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