Angel in the house!
Worked part-time at COMEX in Suntec for 4 days from 01-04 September. It was my 'virgin' IT show.. Woke up on Thursday (01/09) morning feeling nervous, not knowing what to expect at the show. After all, i'm a regular at NATAS (bi-annual Travel Fair) but not COMEX...
We were scheduled to report at 10am even though the Show will start at 12noon. When me and NeeNee reached, there were only a few of them.
Me: "Hmmpf! Asked us to come so early and in the end, everyone's late.."
Nee: "It's like that one, Mi.."
We waited and waited and waited.. Briefing finally start at 11.20am. When the briefing end, it was 12 noon. You can see the crowds roaring in! *Scary* 2 hours into the Show, Me and NeeNee couldn't take it anymore, we went for our lunch. It was a fruitless 2 hours of approaching. We were a bit dejected but neverthenless, it's only the first day!
End of the day, me managed to sell 1 set. It's not much but at least i don't go gome empty handed. By the way, it's NEC laptops that we're selling.. Cheers to Chonglip for this part-time opportunity!
On Friday (02/09), something strange happened.. As i was leaving Joel's place for Suntec, an angmoh cross my path.
Angmoh: "Hi, are you looking for your dog?"
Me: "Huh? What dog?"
Angmoh: "There's a dog there.." (Pointing towards the direction he came from)
Me: "Oh... No no.. My dogs are all inside.. Thanks!"
He smiled and walked away.. After i cross the road, i turned around and i saw the dog slightly further up of the road. I couldn't figure out what breed it was at that time as i can only see its BUTT!!
Half way through the Show, Joel called me..
Joel: "Dear, tell you something.."
Me: "What?"
Joel: "My brother was gardening in front just now. He wanted to throw the garbage away and he opened the gate. Suddenly, a Golden Retriever which was laying in front of our gate, ran into the house!"
Me: "Golden? That is a Golden i saw today?!!"
Joel: "You mean you saw the dog?!"
Me: "Not really.. But this morning, there is this angmoh who thought that i lost a dog and told me there's a dog there. I thought it's some stray (dog).."
(never occur to me that someone will actually abandon a Golden)
Joel: "Looks like abandon or lost.. Anyway, she's very pretty.. We just finished bathing her. Going to bring her to a vet later."
I can hear a tinge of happiness from Joel while talking to him about the Golden Retriever.. Joel not only love Snowie, Furbie and Nikkie, he love Serene's Shadow, Roche and Bandit too.. He always wanted a big dog and with this Golden, it seems like Joel got what he wanted. Nevermind that the Golden wasn't raised by them from young, being able to provide a home had brought happiness to the Golden and his family. But.. There is this one worry in my mind. And that is, how will Joel react if its owner come and take her home.. Joel will be devastated...
Anyway, till today, we don't see anyone putting up notice for a lost Golden. And from the pet shop nearby, we heard that she had been roaming in the streets for days..! Poor girl... Darn the owner!!! Shame on you!!!
End of the day, me had supper with NeeNee and went back to Joel's place. I was greeted by Snowie, Furbie, Nikkie and Angel! She's a darling... Look at her!

Introducing Chia's family new addtion, Angel!
Saturday (03/09) morning, me and NeeNee report at our booth and again, everyone's late.. *haiz* What else is new? Lucky, me and NeeNee don't meet up so early for breakfast anymore. Sales wasn't bad today, managed to sell 5 sets. Keep up the good work, Jaime! Go Go Go!
Sunday (04/09) morning, last day of COMEX. Again, everyone's late except me and NeeNee. Don't understand why they can't be punctual!? Felt weird today, having my pre-menses cramp.. It's affecting me, lost all my determination. End of the day, me sold 4 sets only whereas NeeNee sold 10 sets!! Wowww! Good work NeeNee! I didn't hit my personal target of 20 sets over the 4 days, but i'm glad that i didn't go home empty handed (sold 13sets in total).

Beginning of the day.

End of the day. Look at the litter!!
Went to look for Serene and her babies at Dreamscape after COMEX. The last time i saw them were at Sentosa, they have grown so much! Now, Roche (on her 4s) stand as tall as Shadow (Roche was 1"-2" shorter than Shadow the last time i saw them)! Bandit had grown much bigger, but he's still behave like a baby..

Bandit hiding underneath the arcylic table trying to sleep..
And there's Jojo, a cross breed of Golden Retriever and Cocker Spaniel!

Jojo! A mix breed... Cute hor?!
Not forgetting our Manja Queen, Furbie! She looked damn cute after her grooming.. She reminds me of 'Yin Tao Xiao Wan Zi'!

This is 'Yin Tao Xiao Wan Zi'...

And this is Furbie after her grooming.. Don't they look-a-like? I mean, look at their hairstyle! She look damn adorable!! Look at how she sat...
We were scheduled to report at 10am even though the Show will start at 12noon. When me and NeeNee reached, there were only a few of them.
Me: "Hmmpf! Asked us to come so early and in the end, everyone's late.."
Nee: "It's like that one, Mi.."
We waited and waited and waited.. Briefing finally start at 11.20am. When the briefing end, it was 12 noon. You can see the crowds roaring in! *Scary* 2 hours into the Show, Me and NeeNee couldn't take it anymore, we went for our lunch. It was a fruitless 2 hours of approaching. We were a bit dejected but neverthenless, it's only the first day!
End of the day, me managed to sell 1 set. It's not much but at least i don't go gome empty handed. By the way, it's NEC laptops that we're selling.. Cheers to Chonglip for this part-time opportunity!
On Friday (02/09), something strange happened.. As i was leaving Joel's place for Suntec, an angmoh cross my path.
Angmoh: "Hi, are you looking for your dog?"
Me: "Huh? What dog?"
Angmoh: "There's a dog there.." (Pointing towards the direction he came from)
Me: "Oh... No no.. My dogs are all inside.. Thanks!"
He smiled and walked away.. After i cross the road, i turned around and i saw the dog slightly further up of the road. I couldn't figure out what breed it was at that time as i can only see its BUTT!!
Half way through the Show, Joel called me..
Joel: "Dear, tell you something.."
Me: "What?"
Joel: "My brother was gardening in front just now. He wanted to throw the garbage away and he opened the gate. Suddenly, a Golden Retriever which was laying in front of our gate, ran into the house!"
Me: "Golden? That is a Golden i saw today?!!"
Joel: "You mean you saw the dog?!"
Me: "Not really.. But this morning, there is this angmoh who thought that i lost a dog and told me there's a dog there. I thought it's some stray (dog).."
(never occur to me that someone will actually abandon a Golden)
Joel: "Looks like abandon or lost.. Anyway, she's very pretty.. We just finished bathing her. Going to bring her to a vet later."
I can hear a tinge of happiness from Joel while talking to him about the Golden Retriever.. Joel not only love Snowie, Furbie and Nikkie, he love Serene's Shadow, Roche and Bandit too.. He always wanted a big dog and with this Golden, it seems like Joel got what he wanted. Nevermind that the Golden wasn't raised by them from young, being able to provide a home had brought happiness to the Golden and his family. But.. There is this one worry in my mind. And that is, how will Joel react if its owner come and take her home.. Joel will be devastated...
Anyway, till today, we don't see anyone putting up notice for a lost Golden. And from the pet shop nearby, we heard that she had been roaming in the streets for days..! Poor girl... Darn the owner!!! Shame on you!!!
End of the day, me had supper with NeeNee and went back to Joel's place. I was greeted by Snowie, Furbie, Nikkie and Angel! She's a darling... Look at her!

Introducing Chia's family new addtion, Angel!
Saturday (03/09) morning, me and NeeNee report at our booth and again, everyone's late.. *haiz* What else is new? Lucky, me and NeeNee don't meet up so early for breakfast anymore. Sales wasn't bad today, managed to sell 5 sets. Keep up the good work, Jaime! Go Go Go!
Sunday (04/09) morning, last day of COMEX. Again, everyone's late except me and NeeNee. Don't understand why they can't be punctual!? Felt weird today, having my pre-menses cramp.. It's affecting me, lost all my determination. End of the day, me sold 4 sets only whereas NeeNee sold 10 sets!! Wowww! Good work NeeNee! I didn't hit my personal target of 20 sets over the 4 days, but i'm glad that i didn't go home empty handed (sold 13sets in total).

Beginning of the day.

End of the day. Look at the litter!!
Went to look for Serene and her babies at Dreamscape after COMEX. The last time i saw them were at Sentosa, they have grown so much! Now, Roche (on her 4s) stand as tall as Shadow (Roche was 1"-2" shorter than Shadow the last time i saw them)! Bandit had grown much bigger, but he's still behave like a baby..

Bandit hiding underneath the arcylic table trying to sleep..
And there's Jojo, a cross breed of Golden Retriever and Cocker Spaniel!

Jojo! A mix breed... Cute hor?!
Not forgetting our Manja Queen, Furbie! She looked damn cute after her grooming.. She reminds me of 'Yin Tao Xiao Wan Zi'!

This is 'Yin Tao Xiao Wan Zi'...

And this is Furbie after her grooming.. Don't they look-a-like? I mean, look at their hairstyle! She look damn adorable!! Look at how she sat...
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