This is what World Cup is all about..

Beckham consoled by Figo after the England-Portugal game.. Ahh, Friendship.

Figo hugged by ex-Club mate Zidane after France-Portugal game.. Good Sportsmanship.

This is Friendship.. That's what World Cup is all about other than Glory and honor.

Rooney confronting C.Ronaldo. After which, Ronaldo was caught winking at his coach on live TV.. What a shrew! Biatch!

After successfully shit stirred Rooney out, C.Ronaldo is at work again with Crouch.. C'mon boy, give it a rest. What's all with the back stabbing??

Aww... C.Ronaldo tearing after losing to France.. Well, what comes around goes around.. Thank you for showing your magnificent acting and marvelous shit stirring skills, biatch!
Compliment from FIFA World Cup Photo Gallery
Frankly speaking, I'm not a C.Ronaldo fan.. I mean, in the past, i don fancy nor dislike him, nothing much. But after all the shit stirring from him during the England's game, i despise him for what he has done... So despicable! No wonder everyone boo-ed him during the France-Portugal game..
My sympathies go out to Portugal and Germany for losing their games. After all, they worked so hard for so long.. Cheers to Germany and Portugal for coming this far in the game!
Go Germany!
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