I've got a SuperStar friend! :)
Xiaodi's journey to stardom ended last night. He was eliminated.. My hopes of him getting into Top 10 was dashed. But...! I'm in all favour of Xiaodi being eliminated because this competition has became expensive (the votings)!
After all, he made it to Top 16 (out of 6000+ contestants)! No regrets la.. :)
A BIG THANK YOU to all who have financially and/or morally supported him since the start of this competition. 3 Cheers for u!!
Lastest Update 19/12/06
Went for Xiaodi's Revival Round recording last night. All i can say is, BS BS BS!!
As much as i'm a die-hard supporter for Xiaodi, i'm glad i can still differentiate what is good and what is avergae. Yesterday's results was a total disgrace!
Sorry Jonathan (Joel's Cousin).
As much as i find your friend, Daren, cute and idol-could-be, I am so disgusted by the judges "professional" judging. It was so obvious at the performance. I couldn't help but feel that the judges were scamming to keep your friend in by giving him the highest score ever in history!
Anyway, not that i don't like Daren (i feel that he can be a very marketable idol), just find that his 'vocal power' is just sub-standard.. Or should i say not as outstanding as those that really are good, like LeSheng and Kelvin. Still can't figure out what's going on with the judges "professional" judging. I've got nothing against him, just SI BUAY BEI SONG with the judges. Even LeSheng and Kelvin who can really sing, their scores also cannot fight man..
Curious with what i'm fussing about..?
Just watch the episode and you will understand why i'm so disgusted with the judges.
All i ask for is fair judging.. But then again, how can there be fair judging?
Final Plead, please vote for
Jeremy Tian Mingyao
21 Dec 06 8-11pm
Call 1900 112 1004 OR
Sms M4 to 71199
Thank you.
WELL DONE, XIAODI!! We're so damn proud of you for walking this far..!
Lastest Update 18/12/06
Saw JeremyC at Zouk on sat. He looked relax even though his revival round is due on Mon.
See... He's really my friend la.. No joke. Know him for 12+years already.
We talked for a while about his Project Superstar competition and my brother's business venture. He has always been the sensible one.. My bro? Smell no smoke, not as mature as Xiao Di.. Both are Jeremy and yet one maturity is so heavenly and the other? Still day dreaming about making big $$$! Haiz...
Anyway he's up again for Revival Round on
Thursday 21 Dec 06
voting start 8-11pmPlease Please please support him..

This picture, he's enjoying himself at Zouk.. Asked him to pose in the middle of the dancefloor! Poor Xiao Di.. What to do? When you're famous, lots of peeps will ask you for pictures even when you're at the most inappropriate place! Hahaha..
FYI, His (dreadlocks) hair doesn't smell!! And stop criticising his height la..
Lastest Update 15/12/06
He's out but not down.
It's not over yet, there is still revival round!
There is still a 2nd chance and it will be tough. He will be competing with one of the stronger contestant, Daren Tan (who happens to be Joel's cousin good friend)! Haiz.. How sia..

May the best man win!
Latest Update 10/12/06
Please cast your precioussss vote(s) to

Call 1900 112 1001
SMS M1 to 71199
14 Dec 2006 Thursday 8-11pm
Please continue your support for my dear friend JeremyChan Ming Yao!!
Thank you very much!
Latest Update 24/11/06
He's IN!!!! Top 16!

Thank you peeps! Thank you for casting your votes for him! Be it 1 vote or many votes, your precious votes are deeply appreciated!!
Latest Update 13/11/06
Please cast your precioussss vote(s) to
Jeremy Chan Ming Yuew (Contestant M2)

Call 1900 112 1002
SMS M2 to 71199
23 Nov 2006
Please show my dear friend JeremyC, your warmest support!! Thank you very much!
If you have no idea what the hell i'm refering to, please continue reading.
Published on 10/11/06
Introducing an old friend of mine whom is in Project Superstar's Top 24..
Jeremy Chan Ming Yuew!

Jeremy Chan whom we known him as Xiao Di.. He's the one whom i'm ASKING you to support!
Come to think about it, we've known each other for almost 12years!? Yar, Me and my brother Jeremy Wong, Jeremy Chan and his elder brother Jefferson, the 4 Js!! We used to be very rebellious during our early teens.. :P
Jeremy Chan along with his brother and my brother would hang out almost everyday... Singing! They frequent KTV for their weekly sessions(Read. 3-4times a week, ok!?).. Everytime, i'm in town and have nowhere to go, i will call my brother;
Me: "Where are you? Singing?"
JeremyW: "Yar, you want to come over? Jeff and XiaoDi are here.."
Me: "Ok, since i have nothing to do. Discussion?"
JeremyW: "Yes."
That's how frequent they visit the KTV.. It's a KTV KTV and not those PR Girls KTV, you sicko!
Anyway, we're all glad that he made it to the Top 24.. But to be in the Top 12, it ain't going to be easy. But with his joyous personality, i'm sure he will gain some recognition and of course, some admirers and fans.

This is one of the PSS2 promotion picture. REMINDER: Jeremy Chan is the guy who has dreadlocks and the only guy who wears a hairband.. Duh!
Therefore, Pleeeeease pleeeeease cast your vote for

Jeremy Chan Ming Yuew!
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