Sunday, July 29, 2007

The RUDE List

This week's 8Days caught my attention.

The Rude List

  1. Observing aloud that people of a race different from yours all look alike.
  2. Allowing your gaze to drop below waist level when talking to someone at the urinal.
  3. Using the urinal directly next to someone when there's another one further away that's unoccupied.
  4. Peeing at a urinal with all your might as if you were putting out a fire, hence splashing all over your neighbour's footwear.
  5. Giving up your seat for someone whom you're not sure is pregnant or just a little fat.
  6. Giving up your seat for a senior citizen who's clearly fighting the good fight against the ravages of time (hint: they would be uisng too mcuh make-up or trying to dress funky).
  7. Inadvertently taing up more than one seat on public transport during rush hour because you're obese.
  8. Telling someone that an obese person who takes up more than 1 seat should give up his place so 2 regular-sized persons can sit down.
  9. Telling someone you find her/him familiar but can't remember from where because s/he has a 'common face'.
  10. Assuming someone with big boobs wearing a low-cut blouse appreciates being stared at.
  11. Assuming someone with a flat chest wearing a low-cut bouse appreciates not being stared at.
  12. Holding a friendly social hug for more than 5 seconds.
  13. Allowing your hands to drop to the butt in the hug during those 5 seconds.
  14. The notion of 'interfacial marriage' coined by Time magazine, to refer to couples unevenly matched in looks. Eg. Hugh Jackman and his plain-looking wife, Deborah Lee-Furness.
  15. Wearing a white swimsuit at a public pool.
  16. Wearing a white swimming trunks at a public pool.
  17. Wearing a white briefs to swim at a public pool.
  18. Not trimming your bush when wearing bikini bottoms at a public pool or beach.
  19. Peeing in a public shower.
  20. Peeing in a public pool.
  21. Not showering after a gym session and then going out to meet your friends.
  22. Calling a stranger who's not much older than you "Uncle" or "Auntie".
  23. Asking your children to call your friends or colleagues who aren't married "Uncle" or "Auntie".
  24. Assuming the woman shopping with your is his mother or elder sister.
  25. Assuming the elderly-looking folks looking after a young child are the grandparents.
  26. Asking the parents of any child who looks older than 6 months, "Boy or girl, hah?"
  27. Defending your usage of toilets for the handicapped just because you don't see that many disabled people hanging around the place. (If you have to use it, at least have the decency to be sheepish or apologetic about it)
  28. Compiling for a magazine story a list of rude things that friends or relatives actually did to you to indirectly tell them they're rude.
  29. Kissing, stroking the thigh and squeezing thebutt of your boy/girlfriend in full view of the public.
  30. Getting too touchy-feely with your spouse/beau when going out with singleton friends desperate for a little lurve of their own.
  31. Re-gifting within the same circle of friends.
  32. Conveniently forgetting to factor in GST and service charge when going Dutch.
  33. Saying, "I'll pay you back later" more than twice in succession with the same group of friends.
  34. Choosing the most expensive item on the menu when someone else is buying.
  35. Suggesting that your guests choose the cheapest item on the menu when you're buying.
  36. Asking to look at someone's diamond engagement ring, then squinting as if you can't see it.
  37. Wedding dinner guests who refuse to acknowledge that the price of hotel banquets have skyrocketed since the 1980s.
  38. Putting a small amount into an unmarked wedding angbao and hope that you won't be found out.
  39. Wedding couples who drop hints that the dinner is expensive and expect gueststo stump up accordingly.
  40. Wedding couples who invite 'back-up' guests to their dnner with less than 3 weeks' notice.
  41. Saying a bride is ugly.
  42. Saying a baby is ugly.
  43. Saying at a wedding that the ugly bride and groom shouldn't have kids.
  44. Changing without permission the wallpaper and/or other settings of a computer you've borrowed.
  45. Playing DJ in a car without being asked to when someone's giving you a lift.
  46. Deleting the pictures in someone's camera you've borrowed to make space of your own.
  47. Excusing your action of deleting said pictures by saying you'd deleted only the ugly pictures.
  48. Commenting at an abstract art exhibition where the artist is present that your 5 year old nephew could draw that.
  49. Exposing your butt crack.
  50. Asking someone how they afford the luxe condo/car they own.
  51. Telling your wedding guests to better dress up, lose weight so they won't be an eyesore at your wedding.
  52. Giving someone deodorant/anti-aging cream/hair growth product as a gift.
  53. Staring and pointing at someone else's food in a restaurant or hawker centre like it's the menu.
  54. Taking the last morsel from a shared dish that you didn't pay for - without asking.
  55. Making a call on your mobile when you're having a crap.
  56. Denying you're making a call when you're taking a crap.
  57. Letting rip a silent killer fart and then look around as if you're offended by the odour.
  58. Letting rip a loud fart and then laugh as it off as if it were the funniest thing you ever did.
  59. Breaking up with someone over MSN.
  60. Breaking up with someone over SMS.
  61. Breaking up with someone without telling the person over SMS, MSN or any other kind of communication.

Have you done any of the above? Me? Sad to say, 5 of them.. :(

What about you???! :)


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